"I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep an appointment with a beech-tree, or a yellow birch, or an old acquaintance among the pines."
Henry David Thoreau

Sunrises can be as beautiful as sunsets

Sunrises can be as beautiful as sunsets
Welcome to Maine Forestry
This website is your free forest information source with topics on Maine forest laws, taxes, pruning, thinning, timber harvesting, wildlife, forestry news , cost-share programs, consultant forestry, and much more!
If you need forestry assistance, help is just a phone call or e-mail away. The laws and rules governing your woodlot are continually changing and you must keep up to date of the these changes. You are responsible for activities that are undertaken on your land. You must know the current laws or hire someone that does. I am a licensed professional forester with many years of experience in the woods related industry. I would take great pride in managing or assessing your timberlands or woodlot. Together we could accomplish your goals. If you need someone to supervise a timber harvest, I can help you with process from start to finish. If you want to save money on your woodland taxes, I can help you greatly reduce them. The services that I offer are listed on this site. Check out my blog. I will be adding new information very often and have lots of interesting ideas you may like and find interesting. Contact me with any ideas or subject matter you would like information on.
Forestry News
Blog: I use my blog to post a lot of my newer info: Blog link
Emerald Ash Borer found in Edmunstorn, New Brunswick. Also in Maine
Timber Tax Filing for the 2019
New MFS Publication: The Forestry Rules of Maine - 2014 - Excellent Guide
Forest Practices Law Changes for 2014
Maine Insect and Disease Update for July 17 2020
Landowner Liability Law Explained
Tree Growth Tax Law Will Save You Money
More Forestry Information
August 2020 - Check your trees month
Stumpage Report Posted: Maine timber prices for the 2018 year (December 19, 2019).
Direct Link Loan Program: 2% Interest Forestry Loans
Workers' Compensation and Landowner Liability
The Farm and Open Space Tax Law
Post your land by using the proper color paint on your boundary lines
Forest Operations Notices going online in January 2021
Timber Harvests
This is some good information about timber harvesting on your property.
Get the Most from your timber harvest
What is My Timber Worth and How Do I Sell It
Timber Harvesting in Shoreland Zones
Timber Harvesting in Shoreland Zones - DEP Towns
Statewide Standards: Harvesting in Shoreland Areas
Forestry Ed 101
Maine Woodlot
by Michael Rochester
Woodland Trails: Trails offer access to your woodlot if you have no roads or want to access areas with no road access. Info
The Maine Woodlot: This series of articles was written by me to help you make informed decisions about your woodlot. Check back as I will add chapters as I write them.
Chapter 2: What are my Objectives
Chapter 5: What is on Your Woodlot
Tree and Shrub Care
Trees and shrubs require a certain amount of yearly maintenance if they are to remain healthy and be a proud piece of your landscape. The following articles will provide you with basic tree care tips.
Pruning Deciduous Trees and Shrubs
Guidelines for Assessing Storm Damaged Trees
Managing Winter Injury to Trees and Shrubs
Backyard Wildlife Habitats
Want to attract more wildlife to your yard? Care in the selection of trees, shrubs, and flowers will help. Placement is also important.
Wildlife Habitat and Forest Management
Creating a Wildlife Habitat in Your Backyard
Forest Taxes
This information can help you manage taxes associated with your woodlot.
GPS Corner
Want to learn how use a GPS? You also have to learn how to use the compass. I am working on a series and will start posting the lessons as I write them. I will be using the Garmin Map series for my GPS reference. Any Garmin will work. Other brands will work but I don't use them. If enough interest is generated, I will have a field day to practice in the woods.